BSc (Hons), MSc, MA, HPD, DSFH, PGCE, NLP Master Practitioner,
Whatever is easiest for you - a calm, clinic room in beautiful, Berkhamsted town centre or an online session without leaving the comfort of your own home.
Are you struggling? Are anxiety, fear, overwhelming stress, insomnia or unwanted habits affecting your health and happiness? You can get back in control. Using hypnotherapy, I have supported many clients, just like you, to successful outcomes.
Hypnotherapy can provide you with powerful tools to remove habits and behaviours that are not serving you and permanently strengthen your resilience and motivation for the future.
If you are genuinely motivated to stop smoking or vaping this is for you.
After just 3 and a half hours, be proud to be an ex-smoker/vaper.
Phobias are very successfully removed using hypnotherapy in just a few sessions.
Hypnotherapy is increasingly used by women to alleviate their physical symptoms and stabilise their emotions.
I booked an initial consultation with Susan after I experienced a full-on panic attack which was terrifying. I thought at first I was having a heart attack. For ages, I had a constant feeling of panic. Panic with work and with my family and that I could never get on top of things. I had sort of convinced myself that was just the way life had to be but after feeling on the verge of tears when my boss pulled me up on something I knew I needed help. My sleep was all over the place, I was drinking far too much in the evening and was becoming more snappy with my wife and the kids. I woke up every morning feeling more tired than when I had gone to bed and I didn't know why. The hypnotherapy sessions were a bit weird for me to start with as I'm not very good at relaxing even on holiday but after a few weeks I got into it and things started improving. It's hard to put your finger on what happens but I realised I was thinking and doing things differently. And my sleep got better which gave me so much more energy. Another odd thing was that a niggly back pain I had for years just went away. I hadn't even realised until my squash partner made a joke about me not complaining about my back. So much is now better for me and for that I am really grateful. Anon. Berkhamsted
An English mate told me about Susan as I had been feeling stressed and down for a very long time. I felt my life was stuck but the results have been awesome. After a few months of video calls lots had changed and I now have these crazy goals for the future. Tommy D. Sydney, Australia
Astounding is the only word for this. I have smoked for more than twenty years and now after a 3 hour session with Susan I don't ... what's more to say? Linda D. Hemel Hempstead
I started smoking at the age of 11 and never stopped until the age of 58 when I had a smoking cessation session with Susan. At that point I was puffing through nearly 50 a day. My wife and children were always nagging me to stop but my children had given up after many years of trying. I was honest and told Susan that I was very cynical about it working. I had been recommended by a friend who had a long-term phobia sorted with Susan and so I thought it was worth a shot as well as the journey to Berkhamsted. I could have had the session on Zoom but decided in person would be better for me. Susan was in touch a few days before the session and then several times after but I actually stopped on the day. Pretty shocking for me and even more so for my family. A massive thank you. Brian W. Cambridge
I wanted to stop vaping and have completely stopped, so, not vaped for almost 7 months now. I have been amazed by the results. I have seen old friends that I use to smoke with and been out drinking on nights out and don’t even feel tempted anymore. I would definitely class myself as a non-smoker now thanks to Sue and would absolutely use Sue’s services again if I had another issue. I recommend Sue a million percent. M. Tring.
I have had an inexplicable fear of frogs and toads for as long as I can remember but in recent years it was much worse. I love my garden but it had started being a problem in case I saw a frog and with a pond they're always around. I booked with Susan and after 4 sessions the phobia was gone. The first one was a free initial consultation when she explained how the process would work - which was very interesting about the brain and our subconscious. Now I go into my garden and do not even think about whether frogs are there or not whereas previously I was constantly checking and any movement in the plants had me on high alert. I knew nothing about hypnotherapy previously but am now an advocate for its quick results. Thank you. Pat S. Berkhamsted
My fear of heights was getting worse so that I couldn't even get on steps in the kitchen. After four sessions my fear of heights has gone. When I try to remember what it was like there is nothing there. L.P. Tring
I had not previously considered hypnotherapy for my menopause symptoms but had been feeling so bad that I was willing to try anything safe that did not involve drugs. I had six sessions with Susan and also had homework to do in between. My nighttime is now so much better with a reduction in the sweats and there is a clear improvement in my days, especially in my brain fog and tearfulness. Thoroughly recommended and thank you. B.L Amersham
During Covid, I had my first baby and became increasingly isolated and anxious. With my only family a long distance away, I was in tears every day and unable even to do the simplest of things. Before my son was born, I had a responsible job with quite a large team reporting into me and I had planned to return after maternity leave. Just a few months ago that did not seem possible as I was having panic attacks in the early hours of the morning and was finding it hard to be responsible for my child. I thought I had been hiding how bad I was feeling but a friend was quite blunt and said I needed to get professional support. She suggested Susan as her brother had been one of Susan's clients. It was the best thing. I started with Zoom sessions and then progressed to in-person sessions. I thought there was so much going wrong with me but once a few things were sorted everything else started falling into place. I have learned so much about my brain and what was happening to me My life is so much better and I am committed to return to my career very soon. I still have work to do on myself but have improved MASSIVELY in all respects.
L.C. Dunstable
I went to see Susan as was looking to change my job. I had been thinking about it for over a year but as throughout my life I have been a nervous sort of person had kept putting it off. My very first session was transformational and I left feeling very positive and motivated to get planning. After every session it felt better and now here I am with a new job that I love and that pays more. I cannot recommend Susan and hypnotherapy enough. P.D. Berkhamsted
I decided to try hypnotherapy as was always feeling stressed and had fallen out with several members of my family and my neighbours and some of my workmates. In 9 sessions my life feels so different. I now understand what is happening with my emotions and have ways to deal with them to avoid things building up or turning into rows with people. I was a bit wary at the beginning but it was a great experience for me and I would return to see Susan if I had any problems in the future. S.M. Berkhamsted
Please email at contact@susanlamb.uk if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Hypnosis or trance is a natural state and individuals experience natural trance frequently, such as when daydreaming, being immersed in a book or a film or even driving a familiar route; the sense of not remembering the journey as the mind was elsewhere. What happens is the mind is totally focused on something and therefore does not attend to other things. As when you are absorbed in a book or film, someone talking to you may not be registered until they break into your concentration by maybe raising their voice or addressing you by name. Hypnosis can be used as a powerful tool to support positive change.
Clinical hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis combined with therapy to support positive changes in thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Clients are guided into a hypnotic trance which is usually characterised by a deep sense of relaxation. During hypnotherapy, the client remains aware of what is being said and is able to communicate when necessary. Clinical hypnotherapy can be used to successfully address various physical, psychological and behavioural issues.
There is academic and clinical evidence that hypnotherapy and hypnosis can be highly effective in the treatment of a wide range of physical, psychological and emotional conditions.
Typically, clients find hypnosis extremely relaxing and enjoyable. Clients describe it variously as similar to the feelings you have when you are very tired and just about to go to sleep but still have a level of awareness or as when you are in a very pleasant daydream, and everything around has blurred.
As long as there is a willingness to be hypnotised, it is easily achieved and during subsequent sessions the level of hypnosis experienced may deepen.
Yes, at all times. For hypnosis to occur, clients must be willing to enter into hypnosis. You cannot be forced to do anything against your will during hypnosis.
The free-of-charge Initial Consultation lasts thirty to forty-five minutes. Individual sessions last one hour. Smoking/Vaping Cessation is a single three and a half hour session.
This depends on your presenting issue although four to ten sessions are typical. During the Initial Consultation, an estimate will be provided.
Client privacy and confidentiality is assured. Your information will not be shared with any other individual or organisation or on social or other media without your explicit consent, in writing. The only exceptions would be where a legal enforcement agency requires disclosure of client information or where a serious concern arises of imminent risk of harm to the client or to another person. If current or past clients are encountered in a public or social setting, there will be no professional relationship disclosed or alluded to.
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